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One, administrative clerk(1)

Job responsibilities:
1, drafting and modifying report, presentation, etc.;
2, timely and accurate update employee directory;Management company network, email,
3, responsible for daily office supplies procurement, distribution, registration and management, office equipment management;
4, the annual newspaper and magazine subscription, send and receive daily newspapers and magazines and exchange mail;
1, secretarial, administrative management, and other related professional technical secondary school degree or above;
2, more than one year relevant working experience;
3, familiar with OFFICE administrative management knowledge and work flow, familiar with document writing format, basic business letter writing skills, good command of Microsoft OFFICE and other OFFICE software;
4, good image, good temperament, ranging in age from 20 to 25 years old, female.

Second, the hr specialist (1)
Job responsibilities:
1, responsible for the company's recruitment, training, staff induction, positive, comprehensive management, etc
2, responsible for the company's employee compensation and benefits, comprehensive management of social insurance, etc
3, management of employee attendance, rewards and punishment, and to investigate various departments implementation of attendance, rewards and punishments
4, strictly perform the system, all kinds of information timely entry, and regularly organize data, to the higher authority leadership issued by data analysis results
5, coordinate with other departments related work
6, to undertake the leadership explaination of other work
The human resources work experience more than one year

Third, administrative reception (1)
1, responsible for the company's front desk reception work.
2, responsible for the company's telephone switching, send and receive fax, copy of the document, etc.
3, responsible for all kinds of office documents, business documents, the contract of the entry, typesetting, printing.
4, daily documents, data compilation, and other general administrative affairs.

Interested? Please send your resume to:tiantaibyq@163.comIn the mailbox, the title indicates the application!

Copyright:Shijiazhuang Tiantai Power Transformer Co.Ltd.  ICP:09039987  By:
Address:Hebei province gaocheng Chang An development zone  Tel:0311-88376888

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