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Foreign media,Mr Abe visited Africa
Information sources Shijiazhuang Tiantai Power Transformer Co. Ltd.Release time2016-08-28 18:13:50

  Foreign media, Mr Abe's visit to the commitments of $30 billion To counter China

     Reference news network reported on August 28 Foreign media said, Japan's prime minister, shinzo Abe, 27, said to African leaders, Japan will provide $30 billion, for use in public and private sector support infrastructure development in Africa.

     According to Reuters news agency reported on August 27, lack of resources of Japan has been interested in developing Africa plenty of natural resources, especially in the fukushima accident result in Japan in 2011 almost all nuclear reactors is turned off, Japan is more dependent on imported oil and natural gas.

     According to the report, is in Nairobi to participate in the 6th international conference on African development Tokyo Abe said, this rescue plan will be carried out in three years starting from this year, including infrastructure projects in Africa to $10 billion, aid will be carried out through the cooperation with the African development bank.

   "With investment in the private sector, I expect the total will be $30 billion. The investment is based on confidence in Africa in the future, also for Japan and the common development in Africa."He said to more than 30 African heads of state.

   Reported that in the last 2013 Tokyo international conference on African development, Japan has pledged to Africa $32 billion over five years.Mr Abe said, 67% of that money has been used in multiple projects.

   "Today's new commitments will be in 3 years ago on the basis of further strengthen and expand. The idea is that the quality and improve."He said.

   The Japan external trade organisation figures show that in 2015, the Japanese direct investment in Africa reached $1.24 billion, $1.5 billion from a year earlier.

    Russian satellite network on August 27 reported that Japanese prime minister shinzo Abe promised, will be set aside $30 billion in the last 3 years for development in Africa.Kyodo news agency reported that he was 27, in Nairobi, Kenya's opening ceremony of the sixth international conference on African development Tokyo made relevant statement.

    Reported that previously, Japan's leading business newspaper, "Japanese economic news" said the Japanese trading company intends to invest more than $40, some countries in Africa construction of power station.

Since 1993, the Tokyo international conference on African development is held once every five years.Since 2013, held once every three years.This year's conference held in Japan for the first time.

    According to Japan's kyodo news agency reported on August 27, shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, 27 in Kenya at the 6th international conference on African development Tokyo keynote speech, shows the value from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean Marine safety and the African development, a new diplomatic strategy.The move is aimed at and China compete actively aid to Africa.

   According to the Japanese government, Mr Abe proposed a new strategy called "free open Pacific strategy" in the Indian Ocean.Strategic planning to the successful experience of economic growth significantly in the Asian region dominated by the Japanese across the Indian Ocean to Africa, to strengthen the relationship between the two sides.Main idea is that working on Marine safety at the same time, Africa to the stability and prosperity.

Abe also announced to set up the "economic BBS of the people of the day the officer", to strengthen bilateral economic relationship.

Copyright:Shijiazhuang Tiantai Power Transformer Co.Ltd.  ICP:09039987  By:
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