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A single medical cosmetic advertising time limit
Information sources Shijiazhuang Tiantai Power Transformer Co. Ltd.Release time2016-08-28 18:12:00

        Administration of radio, film and television: a single medical cosmetic advertisements shall not exceed 1 minutes long

   The Beijing news dispatch (reporter Dai Xuan) reporter recently learned from the state administration of radio, film and television, the future medical care, drugs, medical devices, health care products, food, cosmetics, beauty, and other enterprises, product or service advertisement, broadcast time shall not be more than 1 minute, and in any program release form in disguised forms, also shall not broadcast television shopping video advertisement form.

   Recently, in view of a part of the program using a non-professional non-professional institutions, under the guise of sell illegal drugs in the name of the popularization of health knowledge, health products and medical services, the problem of false medical advertisement, film and television (sarft) issued by the state general administration of press and publication, radio and television on further strengthening the medical health programs and medical advertising broadcast management notice ".

   Notice, according to the medical health program can only be made by radio and television planning, shall not manufacture by society;Broadcast medical health programs, the central radio and TV institutions, the national TV channels need to be submitted to administration for the record, other channels, the frequency should be reported to the local provincial press and publication, radio and television administrative departments for the record.

   Notice mentioned at the same time, the medical health programs employ medical and nutrition experts as a guest, the guest must have a national recognition of the relevant professional qualifications and relevant professional subtropical high above title, in the program and prompt.

   For medical health programs to introduce medical, health, health and other forms, directly or indirectly to release the circumstance of advertisement and sell goods and services, and notice it is forbidden to directly or indirectly promote the medical, pharmaceutical, medical equipment, health products, food, cosmetics, beauty, and other enterprises, products or services, it is forbidden to show the middle to column "hotline" and qr code included any form of publicity or prompt contact phone number, contact information, address and other information.

   Said the state administration of radio, press and publication, radio and television administrative departments at all levels should be fully carried out clean-up, as well as with local health, medicine, industry and commerce, public security departments to communicate cooperation, the common governance violation behavior.

Copyright:Shijiazhuang Tiantai Power Transformer Co.Ltd.  ICP:09039987  By:
Address:Hebei province gaocheng Chang An development zone  Tel:0311-88376888

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